Wednesday, March 16, 2011

quotes from the classroom

Today in class a teacher was playing some scissor sisters songs, and a 9 year old girl raised her hand and requested Michael Jackson. It made my heart melt, so I thought I'd share some classroom quotes.

shayan: ok pelayo, who was christopher columbus?
pelayo: he invented the phone

shayan: how were books made before the printing press?
pelayo: the people who lived in caves wrote them

shayan: ok pelayo, please recite the alphabet for me
shayan: f.m.l

victor: I did a friend on the cruise!
(i made a friend on the cruise)

pelayo: sexting (trying to say 16)

shayan: and a penguin is a_____?
bosmy: A FISH!!! (she actually thought penguins were fish)

time for the best quote EVER:
first i have to give some background info. Maite is an english teacher at the school. she is spanish. the english they teach in spain is England English. so when learning animals instead of saying "rooster" they say "cock". so the teacher, trying to incorporate the new animal vocabulary in her class asked a student:
"Do you like eating cocks?"
i died.

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