Friday, March 18, 2011

my night was remarkable...

...ergo this post.
photo not from tonight, but just another example of
another really fun night with elena!

Although it was St. Patrick's day just a bit ago, I managed to have a pretty Spanish night. Even though we definitely attempted to go to some Irish pubs, they were all really hot and sweaty and smelly and unbearable so...we (Elena & Co.) didn't.

The 3 things that made my night so remarkable were:
1. The cup of sangria that I had that tasted EXACTLY like sharbate albaloo (a persian sour cherry beverage)
2. When the DJ played TWIST AND SHOUT (close second was the GREASE compilation). You may wonder "What sort of bar plays this sort of music on St. Patrick's day?"...the answer is: I have no idea, but it rocked me, and that's all that matters. Plus, the Beatles always trump Flogging Molly, even on St. Patrick's day in my book.
3. Elena twirled me on the dance floor. And really, that's all I ever ask of a dance partner. Twirl me, please.


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