Friday, December 24, 2010

I made friends with the viking's daughter!

eee!!!! i'm so excited! ive never been so up far north in the world before!!
ok so it IS VERY cold here, but not as scary as i thought! oh! and Siri (viking's daughter) was sitting next to me on the plane! amazing! so i made friends with her and turns out she was just studying abroad in BERKELEY for a semesterrrrr!!!!! and she was returning home to oslo after about 3 or 4 months. she was really nice and i got her email after my pen exploded all over her hands (2nd pen to explode between madrid and oslo) and maybe we'll hang out in oslo while i'm here!!! it was weird i couldnt beleive how close she was to my home and she had JUST arrived in schipol...where i was...and 7 hours before she was in sf it just blew my mind. i wanted to reach out and touch her arm or something because i felt like then i'd be closer to california or something bizarre it really was very crazy for me to think that she PROBABLY passed by keon on the streets of sf and then here i was sitting next to her. im actually still blowing my mind just thinking about it.

anyway i got to the airport, and got my giGANTIC back pack and my messenger bag (carry on) and was ridiculously bundled up with a 4 layers then a northface fleece then a wool jacket from mango and a huge scarf and gloves and pants with tights and leggings and ski socks and my boots. and then i proceeded to walk a kilometer in the snow (up-hil,l both ways..haha..jk) and my boots were totaly inappropriate! i almost slipped 100 times. but even if i did fall, my back pack would have broken my fall and nothing would have happened anyway. there were a lot of men who apparently are immigrants and dont celebrate christmas and like to hang around scaring little girls (me) by making creepy sounds and walking towards them in the dark (the sun set at 3:30)  around but i was fine. (oh also they have like 1 hour of sun here now...not 5) because there were enough non scary people around too. anyway i go to the 7-11 next door to trish's apartment and i tell them "i'm shayan and i'm here to pick up the keys" (actually i presented the lady with a piece of paper that trish had told me to print out that said that in norwegian) and the (indian) lady presented me with the lovely keys and i entered the iron gate, and took a left and went through the door and up 3 flights of stairs and entered the door with the stickers on it into the apartment, and entered the room directly across the entrance door and BAM!!THERE I WAS! standing in Trish's room in OSLO!! surreal.

now I am about to change real quick and go to Trish's frien (marianne's) house for a vegan/raw food christmas dinner! i'm so excited!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!! i love you!

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