Sunday, December 26, 2010

a decision has been made

I don't like using titles like "vegetarian" or "vegan" because I do believe in grey areas.
This is where I stand with the main items that vegetarians/vegans do not eat (obviously there are many ingredients that derive from animals but I can't list them all. Here is a  list of all those ingredients we don't know how to pronounce or don't know what they mean that are not animal friendly)

-milk: Hardly drank any since I went to uni. I prefer almond/rice/soy milk. (mostly almond though)
-butter: I love butter, but have not bought any for about 6 months now. Margarine with non hydrogenated oils exists as a substitute and I really like that, but I haven't bought that either. I've had no reason to. So, making the switch won't be very hard.
-eggs: I hardly ever eat eggs. But I think baking without them will be difficult, however, very possible.
-cheese and yogurt and honey: obsessed with all 3 will probably never be able to give them up.
-fish: I don't like fish ( lox/salmon are the only exception and I eat those probably once a year) the hardest thing I think will be finding good asian food that doesn't have fish oil in it.
-other seafoods: I LOVE crab/lobster/oysters/muscles/clam/caviar/squid/unagi (eel) etc
-ice cream: love it but havent had any in a REALLY long time. I really like non dairy ice creams too. So don't think i'll have a problem switching that. 

I am going to have a strict vegetarian month where I am completely vegetarian, sprinkled with vegan and raw days just to practice.
the strict vegetarian diet will be as follows:
no food that involves killing animals (so meat, or stock for soup broth broth, or fish oils)
no seafood either
i can have cheese and yogurt and honey (though i dont plan on increasing my consumption of these items, just carry on eating them as i normally do)
no milk, just almond/rice/soy milk
no ice cream 

I feel very good and excited about this decision. it was triggered by a disgusting kebab i ate today. the vegetarian month starts today. december 27th.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you, Dil! And not just because I'd be happy if everyone was vegan. I remember you saying long back that you'd probably be vegan/vegetarian if you really thought about it--but that you didn't want to. This seems like a really mature, conscientious decision. Good for you! PS, I found some soy gelato in Barcelona at one of the gelato shops in the Gothic district. Maybe you can find some in Madrid too?
