Friday, October 22, 2010

when THE MOOD hits...

you know how in most fairytales something really exciting happens at midnight? well...lately ive been experiencing something very strange... the night will go normally and I will start getting tired at 10 (naturally, being the square i am) and i start thinking that i´m going to go to bed very soon and have a nice long night of sleeping. then i´ll end up staying up until midnight and suddenly i magically turn into an Obsessive Compulsive Professional House Cleaner...i´m not kidding. i start cleaning like theres no tomorrow. i SHINED my floors last night!!!!!!!! who AM i?? its strange. i´ll stay up until 3 am cleaning!! CLEANING MY 8´x10´room...for 3 hours...its not even that messy!!! aaah so strange. ok i have a million more things i want to write about but i am at an internet cafe and its going to cut out soon. also, my house is changing internets so i dont have internet at my house and wont be super responsive. but i have internet at school so i will check hopefully once a day. i know once a day is more than the average spaniards email checking, but for me that's like 5% of what i normally do. some people are addicted to cigarettes, i´m addicted to the internet.
love and miss you all so much.

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