Saturday, January 1, 2011

delicious {vegan} pancakes!

Vegan Banana Pancakes

    1 cup flour
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    dash of cinnamon
    2/3 cup soy milk (more if needed)
    1/2 banana (very ripe and mashed)
    1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix flour, vegan sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon together.  In another bowl, combine all other ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir well. Add more soy milk if batter is too thick.

Cook on medium-high heat till browned on both sides. Makes about 8 small pancakes.

Serve with maple syrup, icing sugar or jam.

Serves: 2-4

Preparation time: 15 minutes

um, YUM! These are super delicious. My roommate Lucas used to make them. 
but tomorrow, I'm making these with trish and her roommates :) and then we are making indian food! oh and yesterday we had delicious vegan pizza.

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