Saturday, January 29, 2011

check list

gym membership at holiday gym: bought.

half marathon in April: considering  it {thoughts?}

grocery store: pillaged.

new vodafone contract confusion: resolved

Yves rocher appointment: attended. (on time? : almost.)

London plans for MA BIRTHDAY: figured out (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

november soup: boiling as I type this!

☑good day: yes.


oh hey, p.s. forgot to mention that on Friday I made dinner bags [salami, cheese baguette sandwiches; muffin; water; and i think we had some fruit in it too, like a tangerine] with josh (my co-worker) and his girlfriend and their friends from their church (i brought Carolina with me too) and we went around madrid (well, plaza mayor/sol) 
                                                            plaza mayor
and gave the dinner bags to the homeless people around central madrid. As difficult as it was to do, I loved it. I want to do it more.

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