Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Twits

drawings hanging in the school hall.

haha so cute!
drawings by my 1st graders

we had a dance sesh one day in class
I'm reading The Twits by Roald Dahl with my 6th grade class, this is definitely my favorite thing I've done all year, mostly because pretty much all i did this year with the 6th graders was prepare them for THE EXAM [a standardized test created by Cambridge University to gauge how much English they've (not) learned]. So exam preparation was absolutely awful and painful and stressful and frustrating, and [pick whatever other bad adjectives you want and add them here]_______________.  So now, just getting to read a fun book, and discussing it is very enjoyable for me {and I'd like to think for the students as well.} We were reading the other day, and this passage describing one of the characters really resonated with me:

The funny thing is that Mrs. Twit wasn't born ugly. She'd had quite a nice face when she was young. The ugliness had grown upon her year by year as she got older. Why would that happen? I'll tell you why. If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly you can hardly bear to look at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and  crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

Do you agree or disagree? I agree. I'm 24, and I've met a lot of people, my judge of character is pretty accurate, and I agree that emotions and thoughts physically manifest themselves in our bodies. And on people's faces in the eyes and around the mouths is where a person gives-away who they really are. I'm not talking about an instant's facial expression, i mean, when a person is sitting there, relaxed, not talking, probably unaware that you are looking at them, and you can read them. you can see what kind of person they are by paying attention to their eyes and mouth. anyway, i didnt launch into this detail in class, but the teacher, who is thirty something, said she also agreed with the author.{the ironic thing is, that the teacher is kind of a terse gossipy b-word and not many people at school like her, and  it shows on her face too}

when we were discussing this theme with the students, they didnt know what we were talking about. They couldn't relate, or had never experienced this phenomenon, and so they disagreed with the author. they're 12 years old...they're starting to hit that age where they're just about to exit childhood, and everything starts changing, the real character development starts happening, and they have to start dealing with more real life issues.

And, thats when I realized, that they hadn't met very many people with bad thoughts yet. why? because they mostly hang out with other children, and children aren't really able to have bad thoughts. they're still really simple, and untainted by the hardships of life, so they hold no bitterness, or resentment or bad thoughts. thats also why you never really see a truly UGLY know? i mean, even if a kid isnt so easy on the eyes, they're still pleasant. so ugly they're cute.  and even if a kid isnt aesthetically pleasing tot he eye, it still has those good thoughts that shine through the face making it lovely. an ugly kid doesn't bother you the way the ugliness of an adult might bother you, because the adults ugliness comes from those bad thoughts.

I know this SOUNDS weird. but just think about it for a while. think about the difference between people with just an unfortunate set of genes and someone who has ugliness radiating out of them.  or, have you ever become friends with someone and found that they become more beautiful physically, the better you get to know them? or the reverse? met someone who you thought looked great, and, as you got to know them, they just got uglier and uglier?

What Roald Dahl wrote about was interesting, what was even cooler, was realizing that children dont have bad thoughts in them, and thats why children are so pleasant and lovely. i'm enjoying teaching so much right now, and learning so much more than i ever thought i could from working with kids.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


just remembered how to do this on photoshop and i got excited
Baby sis!
i cant wait for you to come and visit me. i'm not only excited to see you, but i'm so excited to show you EVERYTHING. the food, the streets, the parks, the places I go out, my friends.  The day you arrive CAN'T come soon enough! lovelovelove
Big sista

Friday, May 20, 2011

a remedy and nomadism

I was attacked by another mosquito last night in my sleep. I have 5 bites on my right arm alone. I dont know how people survive in the summertime here, its too hot to keep the windows closed, and the mosquitoes are too vicious to leave the windows open -and no,  they dont have window screens here. i have no idea why. which brings me to the obvious conclusion that I need to begin importing easily-operable window screens to Spain. the screens need to be easily operable because Spaniards hang laundry out the windows on lines to dry. and they DEFINITELY need them to beat the heat and mosquitoes in the summer. I am confident that this will result in me becoming a billionaire.

oh, i forgot to MENTION something AMAZING! Tea tree oil  is a mosquito bite CURE! I have the worst reactions to mosquito bites, they swell up huge, and turn red, and itch LIKE CRAZY. It's not normal, when people see them, they think it's a spider bit or something way worse than a mosquito. But today, I looked up at home remedies for mosquito bites here and there are many recommendations, I just happened to have tea tree oil, and believe in its healing powers greatly (gets rid of zits like magic!) and so I put some on all FIVE bites, and it's almost as if I never was even bit! The puffiness went down, and I don't itch at all! I'm thrilled :)

Today is Friday, and I'm continuing to pack up my things and store them in various places in Madrid (I feel like a squirrel burying nuts in the ground for safe keeping during the Winter) because I need to be out of this apartment by May 30th, and so I've decided I'm just going to pack up and store all my stuff {save, one suitcase to last me} from June 1 to September 20 when I will return to Madrid after an insane Summer of traveling around Europe, on the U.S.A's West Coast, and IRAN! Hopefully I can quickly find myself a nice apartment upon my return and collect all my belongings and have another amazing year working and living in Madrid.

But before I get too excited thinking about the summer, I still have one more month of work. I was super stressed out about a week ago because I knew that I was going to have to ask for help in June. It really bothers me when I have to be dependent on other people {excluding my immediate family}. I don't like having to ask for favors, it just makes my soul die. But, I'm so fortunate that I have such wonderful friends, who I CAN ask for favors, and in desperate times I know will be there for me. So, for the next month I'll be crashing on 3 {very kind} friends' couches around Madrid.
Let the nomadism begin...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



there have been a few really stressful things on my mind lately, and i refuse to let them get the better of me any longer!
i am sick and tired of them, and i am just going to make sure they turn out 
the way i want.
simple as that.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

growing pains

deeeeeeefinitely feelin' 'em! ...
[metaphoricaly, not physically]


these are the moments i treasure most: the moment where i got to share my joys and sorrows; experiences and lessons learned; hopes and concerns with the people that mean the most to me (even though we were thousands of miles apart), they are my lifeline.

chatting with daddy while ashley was visiting in spain

mommy and daddy in los gatos, shayan and ashley

haha chatting with sister in san francisco, and ashley wanted to join in

ashley back in oregon :( needing fashion advice

gorgeous! winner!

grandma video chat while she was in california visiting for eid

Mike in San Diego!

doing what she does best: dancing for me.

making megan laugh in boston

shes scared of my combover

showing off my tomatos

me with my tomatoes in the background in the oven

grandpa vid chat in california during his visit for eid

he's so cute

grandpa, his daughter, and his 2nd niece!

grandma, her (clone) daughter, and her 2nd niece

my mommy and her mommy and daddy!

3 generations of clones: parvin, taban, and keon

aaaah!! my old car sitting outside our home...nostalgia.

i like yo' sweata'

KYLE in Eugene!

juicy gossip

...ya, we live a few stops away on the



She's a full shep ;P

my Amy

OG room mate fer lyfe

being silly with daddy

early morning chat

persian invasion

see what i mean?




we talked for like, 4 hours.

and we watched "it's always sunny in philadelphia" like we used to
back in college

sweet dee, my favorite.

and then we played trivia games on

it was a saturday night for me. its almost unforgivable what
a nerd i was yetserday

hahahah she was trying really hard to think of a trivia answer