Thursday, September 23, 2010

So i met up with kacho (sanams friend) and a bunch of his friends from reuters, i met this nice girl named elena she is 1/2 danish 1/2 spanish, and she is letting me stay in her house. Since the hostal was cramped, the people were not very nice, the keys were hard to work and they didnt have enough room in storage. this is VERY NICE. she even has wifi!! i can tell we are going to be very good friends. We've already made a book exchange :) OH and we are also going to have a language exchange. she wants to practice her english and obviously in turn i want proper spanish lessons. i need to write things down and read them to learn them so this will be very good! the people ive met here are SO NICE (the ones from reuters not the ones in the hostel) and now i'm starving and we are going to go eat food!!! yum!!!!!!
ps that is a picture of me in elenas house and that is kacho in the background playing the guitar. also thats me wearing her party glasses and drinking some beer.

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