Wednesday, September 22, 2010

first day

i cant believe i am here.
its so surreal.
i checked into the hostel, its okay. I´m so tired. but i am trying to stay awake all day. maybe i´ll take a nap because i think i´m going out with kacho and a bunch of reuters people tonight. i think we also might be going to get lunch in 20 mins. i found a locutorio (a place where you can use phones to call other phones and also use the internet) and I called him and he said he would call my hostel in a bit so i´m waiting to get a call. i hope it works out. i want to get a phone as soon as possible. oh, and my bunk number is 4. which is my lucky number. ok so he just called my phone (sorry mom and dad) and no time for food thank god because i´m so tired i will nap now and then go and eat at 5 whenever he calls. love you all and miss you !

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