Lately, I've been thinking about women a lot. I've graduated from college, I'm "in the real world" I've had a few serious romantic relationships, and I'm living in a foreign country (which I feel forces you to shed and abandon any societal or cultural norms you are used to from back home). I'm beginning to discover what role I want to play in society, in a relationship, in a family etc. So, a lot of gender role issues, societal double standards, and even traditions, have been brought to my attention in my exploration of who and how I want to be. I've been exploring these, questioning them, and discussing them with friends. I've been watching a lot of the tv show
Madmen too {its a tv show about advertisement men of the 1960's, [not too far from Will Farrel's portrayal of the anchor man actually] but
really the show is about gender roles, and societal "norms", and how these were/are not realistic and how much things have changed since the 1960's but also, it brings to my attention many of the things that I might not be questioning right now, because it seems normal. It makes me wonder how my grandchildren will look back and think, wow I can't believe women DID (or didn't do) THAT back then!} The show is beautiful, I highly highly HIGHLY recommend it to everyone.
Anyway, the following pictures will probably make sense now that you know this is where my brain has been for the past few months:
national geographic post card: this picture takes my breath away every time I see it. It is so powerful. |
Munch: woman with poppies {she is so serene and content being surrounded by natural beauty} |
Munch: madonna { this captures something about women, that can't really be expressed in words. It's their ora, their presence. It's confusing, but It's there} |
Munch: blossom of pain {I just get this. The irony of having something beautiful stem from your pain, of having something physical birth from your pain. Seeing your pain not just as a phenomenon that's inside you but as an external living creature. I get it.} |
Munch: nude by wicker chair {There is something so real revealed in this even though visually it is abstract and impressionist}
Munch: weeping nude {naked physically and naked emotionally. raw. sad. we've all been there} |
Munch: Eva Mudocci {my friend told me this girl looked like me, and I kind of agree! I like the way he preserves her glow shrouded by all the darkness around her}
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