Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spanish banks are stupid

got my pin finally...but my NEW card STILL doesnt work. I dont GET IT. they keep on saying its been de-magnetized. but thats not possible. i left my card at home so nothing would happen to it. so Jesus is requesting a new card for me. again. this is card number 3! hopefully 4th times the charm. should be here in a few days, but that doesnt matter because I cant go till friday anyway to get it. if it doesnt work this time im switching banks. because this is ridiculous. 3 months of trying to get a SIMPLE card is UNACCEPTABLE (as my dad would say). ok well everyone, even if you are an atheist, just please start praying for me to get a functioning card so i can live a normal life here please. i can use the positive brainwaves/energy/supernatural help.

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