Friday, December 31, 2010

Hi 2011!

I love the new year because its like everybody's birthday all at once. 

In 2010 I...
*completed my terminal studio
*and {after 5 crazy years} graduated from the University of Oregon with a bachelor of architecture from the nation's highest ranked sustainable architecture school!
* I got to have my grandparents watch me graduate
* I met some wonderful people who have taught me so much and helped me learn and grow in so many ways
* I said goodbye to a very dear member of our family (Duchess) and still mourn her loss
* I kept up my hobby of making jewelry and learned how to refinish furniture,
* I learned how to fish
* I explored some beautiful parts of Oregon before leaving (temporarily),  and I moved to Spain to make my life long dream come true
* I went to France, Switzerland,  The Netherlands (again) AND NORWAY and traveled around Spain! * I learned how to cook
* I managed to "demagnetize" 4 spanish bank cards
* I realized the magnet from my camera case was the cause of the card demagnetization
* I discovered I actually really like kids
* I became vegetarian in 2010.

2010 was probably my favorite year {second only to 2005} but I'm not sad to see it come to an end. I'm looking forward to discovering what 2011 has in store for us :)

In 2011 I hope to:
*see the northern lights
*travel around Eastern europe
*have my family visit me in Spain :)
*continue to meet wonderful positive people with whom I can share healthy friendships that help one another grow
*be a really good vegetarian and even more dietetically healthy
*continue exercising {the problem is when?? I don't get home until past 8 every night}
*start saving money from the private lessons I teach every DAY after work
*continue making things with my hands because it makes me so happy {and learn to knit}
*continue learning and improving my cooking and baking skillz
*get a bank card that doesn't get demagnetized 
*get my architecture portfolio together and land a design job with an architecture firm in Madrid
*be healthy, and happy.


1 comment:

  1. I can teach you to knit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
