**I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live sturdily[...]**
^ that's what i write about "vivo" means "i live" in spanish. I started this blog when I {made my life-long dream come true and} moved to Spain. It was supposed to be about my time in Spain, it was to keep friends and family efficiently updated and it was called "vivo en espaƱa".
Not too long after the blog started I realized I wasn't just writing about my time in Spain. I was writing about things I was learning in the kitchen (not that i had time to cook, post graduation), about my travels, the growing pains of being in your twenties, about being out of college and in a foreign country...I was simply writing more and preserving my random musings on all the things that life has thrown my way that would otherwise be fleeting thoughts that i would never think about again.
I never thought i'd have a blog. I even have some conflicting feelings over blogs and bloggers. I've never even kept a journal. I'm intrigued by this idea of preserving all the little details in life by just writing about them. I really dont know who or how many people actually read this. I'd like to think that I can use this as a means to keep in touch with all my friends and family sprinkled around the world. I haven't ever written in this manner before. I guess its a new discovery/experiment for me, as simple as it is...
and in advance, excuse grammatical errors and typos. I see them, I simply dont care.
on may 25 2011 my dad was hit by a car on Los Gatos Boulevard while riding his bike to work. He was in critical condition, and is still in the ICU. I still had a month of work left in Madrid, but dropped everything and came home on June 1.
I took a long break from writing on my blog because my life and mind were a mess, but I kept on writing for myself. Now that it's been 2 months since the accident, and I've made some very important decisions that changed the direction i thought i was going in life.
I'm realizing that just because the past 2 months were absolutely awful and it felt like my entire life was going through a meat grinder, I was still alive, and I was still living. Unfortunately, Life isn't just about having fun. Fortunately, I had a lot of fun in Madrid while it lasted. Fortunately, I had a really great and happy life before this accident. Fortunately I still have wonderful people around me that give me moments of happiness in these dark times. and fortunately, I still have hope for a healthier dad and continued happiness in the future.
I think in difficult times like these, one can absolutely still do what Thoreau wrote about, if anything, one can do it with better insight and understanding. So, lets see how this goes...