Saturday, December 25, 2010

happy tastebuds

I'm an omnivore. I'm a foodie. sheekamoo (farsi). glotón (spanish). I also am an environmentalist. I KNOW these 2 things are pretty much opposites. I KNOW that many of the decisions that I make about what I eat has a very negative impact on the world. and i KNOW that if i did EVEN a little bit of research I would make the decision to go vegetarian, if not vegan. But i chose to stay ignorant. i chose to not learn because i'm scared of not being able to enjoy my favourite foods. My taste buds always win the battle.

I don't cook very much using meat. Mostly because It takes longer, and I dont have time or patience. But i definitely LOVE meat. and i do eat it in persian food my mom makes, when i go out to restaurants etc.  Having been in Spain for 3 months and have definitely already ODed on ham and meat in general. I find myself seeking out vegetarian options, going to hare krishna centers to eat vegan dishes and researching vegetarian recipes.

The raw food christmas dinner I had last night was SO GOOD that I've decided to start incorporating more raw food meals into my diet as well. its pretty cool because generally it takes WAY less time to prepare the food (because there's no cooking involved) so thats a plus for my impatient side (but there are also a lot of  recipes that involve dehydrating the food and marinating for a few hours). Even the Recipes that take longer I think are completely worth it because it is RAW food, pure food, no vitamins or nutrients are lost, and i definitely think that it wouldnt hurt to include a few of these recipes into my diet each week.

I don't want to give up my eating delicious persian food, and all the wonderful dishes i love that include meat or are cooked, but I know even if I  decreasing the amount of meat/animal products I consume, I will still be able to keep my taste buds happy, be healthier, and tread lightly on this planet

last night I ate some of these Carrot Falafels with Tahini Sauce
and I'm starting to read this book The Kind Life

the Christmas table!

delicious marinated mushrooms and brussel sprouts that had been marinating in orange blossom water and vinagre with cranberries!

the carrot falafels and the fennel beet apple salad


they are sisters and they are SO FURRY...their names are something like Millen and Billen I cant remember, its Norwegian

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