Monday, November 29, 2010


It's been SO LONG! I APOLOGIZE. I haven't had internet forever and getting to a computer with internet is not only an oddessey in itself, but then they are slow, dont have webcams or mics, AND have lingering phone house workers who try to shoo me away. So I get internet on december 1st!!!! And im excited.

I just returned from holland yesterday. And I LOVED IT. As usual. Its' so gorgeous. There is something SO romantic about Europe during the wintertime. I'm beginning to love freezing weather. I really like bundling up in heavy coats, ear muffs, hats, wool scarves mittens, boots...eating oliebollen...(oil balls) haha. They're really good. Especially with raisins. Which I normally hate.

I LOVED Utrecht. I requested that we go there because I remember learning about the treaty of Utrecht in history. Utrecht was lovely. I adored it. I really want to go back and explore it more. I can't wait for Keon to come to visit me, I will CERTAINLY take her to The Netherlands for a fun time  in amsterdam and a weekend with the family :)

Ok THE MAIN POINT OF THIS POST IS THAT ITS SNOWING SO HARD OUTSIDE I'M ABOUT TO PEE IN MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Ok, I would call whats happening right now a blizzard. But my friend from Maryland just laughed at me and said that this is infact NOT a blizzard, its a flurry. I think a flurry is equal to "sprinkling" in rain terms. But I take this snow pretty seriously. And apparently, so do the children. AND I JUST GOT PAYED TODAY. AND mom and dad are transfering money in my account (the sooner the better) so I can buy my christmas gift. UGGS. I know, who am I? I just am freezing here in Madrid. And Im afraid of Norway and I think the UGGS will help. So I'm excited.

Also, I'm just excited that I live in Madrid. I had so much fun in The Netherlands but I MISSED Madrid while I was away! And I really enjoy saying " I'm going Madrid(!!!!!)" Tt was so nice coming home and collapsing in my cute bed in my cute room that I love so much. And I am just so SO happy. Being here. For a long long time. In Madrid :) Now i am going to walk through the blizzard to deposit my money which I just received today :) pay day AND snow... in Madrid...does it GET BETTER THAN THIS??


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