Saturday, October 16, 2010


i need a change. to reflect my mood i changed my blog background {because its not like i'm going to get a tattoo or go cut my hair or get another piercing during this (probably) fleeting moment of questioning...well, EVERYTHING} i'm SO COOL right now, that i changed my background to beige! SUPER EXCITING! its because i JUST.DONT.KNOW. and i think the blankness reflects that. also its simple. and thats something i DO know i want. simplicity. right now. which is not to be confused with boring. i think ive already gotten into a schedule here and that is boring me. I'm sick of going to montaditos. then sol. then dubliner's. i want to explore more, i cant wait to get paid so i can travel (ALONE!) I'm needing a lot of alone time these days, just to be me and neutralize, its so easy to get distracted here. but dont worry mom and dad, i'm not being a social loser and not making friends. actually quite the opposite, which is why i think the pendulum might be swinging back the other direction right now.

so FOR TODAY, i'm just going to open my window. let in some light and air. get dressed. and go grocery shopping. then i'm going to make khoreshte bademjoon and invite friends over for dinner tonight. and it will be beautiful.that is all.

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