Saturday, September 25, 2010

2nd day of orientation

ok 2nd day of orientation was WAY TOO LONG. from 9 am until 7:30pm with few breaks in between. i met some new people AND i have already found a persian family to feed me persian food in madrid (ive only been here 3 days)!!!!! haha! leave it to me... ok so i met this girl named carolina who i really like she went to colgate university, and ( i also just realized i'm 1 year older than most people on the program, but there are some people older than me too) she is really cool. she asks me if i'm persian, and i said ya, and turns out she has a (boy) cousin named Shayan (typical.) and her step mom is persian and carolina is living with her step moms relatives who (very smartly) moved to spain after they left iran. and i was like NO WAY carolina! i want to meet them!! and she was like ok! and then she just sent me a message saying that her family wants to invite me over for PERSIAN DINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ole!!!!!!!!!!!! i met another really cool girl names jalissa. okok so let me name all the people who ive made friends with: kati, juany, marissa, jalissa, avery, reggie, carolina. oh and andy, hes mormon. the girls are all really cool, and i'm glad i met them, but i'm sure we will all be so busy once classes start and we wont see each other too much. whcih is good for the sake of my spanish learning. Also i have been making spanish friends through Manuel, who damir kindly introduced to me, and Elena who Sanam indirectly introduced to me (via Kacho). apparently Kachos real name is luis, and Kacho just means "a piece of meat" haha so i guess its a joke nick name but he seriously goes by it, as much as he goes by Luis. and also he has a friend who has been nick named Nacho. so its kacho y nacho. or maybe nacho con kacho is better! haha..lame joke. spaniards are UNBELIEVABLY LAID BACK. everything i do they always say "tranquila!" "relajate" "no te preocupes"...and i'm like, um, no, i'm not stressed or worried, i just need to DO these things!!! i dont know if its the american in me or if its just me being shayan. we'll see how laid back I am after this year. everything is very laissez faire.
for anyone who is might be worried about me (since i know people always think ive died, i just want to tell you that I am in INCREDIBLY good hands. I have been so fortunate and have met the nicest, most caring, giving, considerate, generous people, ever. everyone, knock on wood!
love you all!

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHA Or maybe nacho con kacho is better! Love it! Awww your mommy sounds sweet!
